Gaming and Clearing Out

You may have been expecting another post from me in six months or so based on my usual post schedule, but I thought I would have another shot today and surprise you all.
I recently picked up Watch Dogs: Legion and have been playing the hell out of it and loving every minute.
I have been waiting for this game for some time and I cannot believe it is finally here!
I have my eyes on Assassins Creed: Valhalla next in a few weeks and I will be able to get a nice discount off it thanks to the Game Pass Quests adding points up nicely as I play other games, gotta love a discount!
So far, I have barely touched the main story, preferring instead to simply wander the streets of London hacking CCTV and random people and watching what they are doing.
I love the feel of the game, it really does feel like you are in London, and I must admit, seeing well known landmarks in the game is a true pleasure.
The sound is extremely well done with the city feeling alive around you as in the previous two Watchdogs games.
The auto-driving feature as in the Far cry games is well done too, though I did find myself getting caught up in traffic more than once so I needed to take over and do some fast overtaking!
I know it may seem strange to some, but in open world games, I sometimes just want to walk or drive around the map for a bit and see what is there and if something happens on the way then more fun for me!
It’s not that I don’t enjoy a story, I certainly do, but occasionally I just want to forget the real world for a bit and see what there is to see for a while.
I can’t quite put my finger on exactly why I do this, it’s just the way I prefer to play.
I have very fond memories of playing The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion, Fallout 3 and Knights of the Old Republic for many, many hours well into the night just exploring the world and taking in the sights and doing quests here and there, unfortunately, that means I have never actually finished the main storyline despite starting fresh time and time again as I am unhappy with my character or have simply not played for a while and wanted to start again.
Of course, every time I add mods I tend to start a new game no matter what the the title is.

Yesterday, I cleared out the bottom drawers of the cabinet next to my PC, finding a load of manuals and guides for various games and sadly having to throw some away as they were now obsolete and hadn’t been looked at in years anyway.
It was hard to throw them away, but it did clear enough space to put in most of the guides sandwiched between my PC and the desk into the drawers and consequently tidy up the whole area, only keeping out the guides for games I am currently playing.

That is a problem I have always had, letting go of things I probably should. It doesn’t matter if I have not looked at or thought of it for a long time, upon looking at the thing, I would suddenly be extremely reluctant to letting it go. That’s where Tracey comes in, if I am having trouble letting something go, she helps me to realise that it is okay to get rid of it.
It is annoying to get rid of very large guides or tutorials that I had printed out and had bound, but newer versions of software render them obsolete anyway. I did keep a lot of them for games that are still relevant though, even though I am sure I will think of looking something up in the discarded guides at some point in the near future before remembering they are gone.

We also are planning on sorting out the top two drawers today as they are full of random cables and other assorted junk, then we will be going onto the Big Damn Crate Firefly box (for the awesome Firefly: The Game) that we got ages ago and have only partially assembled due to the wooden pieces not quite fitting together properly, causing me to become terrified at the thought of using the hammer and risking breaking a part and rendering the whole box useless.

I am back into my reading now as you can probably tell from my Goodreads widget to the right, the problem I have with reading is I rarely stick with one book until it is finished, I tend to jump around depending on what room I am in or what my mood strikes me at the time. I always have at least one non fiction book on the go alongside a fiction book to keep things fresh and give me a change. It is not that I do not enjoy the books on their own, it is simply that sometimes I fancy a change or to learn something.

My main reading time is before bed when settling down, though recently my tablet has started working more or less consistently (at the moment) in the bedroom again, after Virgin destroyed our Wifi with a new router that was supposedly better though it obliterated our Wifi and they won’t do anything about it despite three engineers coming out and declaring it all working properly, but as the cable connection into the house is stable there is apparently nothing they can do, so I am watching videos in bed again which I know is bad before sleep due to the blue light but I do enjoy them anyway, even if it take me a little longer to get to sleep.

Well, it is time to finish my post, get a coffee and tackle those drawers! Once that is done, it is housework time and then having a crack at the Firefly crate before heading out for a supply run and finally settling down with Watch Dogs before dinner and TV with Tracey. We are currently trying to watch the older stuff on our Sky hard drive as some of it dates back to 2016! Last night we watched Humans which was cancelled a couple of years ago but was still very enjoyable, and that’s not including the DVDs we have of various shows! Maybe this lockdown we can make a dent in our series?

Anyway, I will sign off for now so have a wonderful day!

What do you think?